Did any of your favorite names leap up the charts this year?
The release of the new baby name stats can be a double-edged sword for name lovers. More name data to pore over? Yay! Your carefully chosen, coolly underused favorites climbing rapidly up the rankings? Not so much 😢
This post, from longtime Berry and Atlas-lover @SparkleNinja18, sums up the dilemma perfectly.
As recently as just a couple years ago, I’ve had people tell me that Atlas was just too uncommon to use, too weighed down (pun intended) by the titan for a real boy, despite the fun, adventurous second meaning. Better suited as a fun middle.
And yet, seeing states’ Top 100 lists, I see Atlas, after Atlas, after Atlas. It’s down-to-earth, boho, hipster, and mythological, and I’m afraid, it’s also become expected.
So I’m wondering what’s the next Atlas? Not necessarily on the charts, but for someone whose boy name style is pretty easily summed up by Atlas (apart from the spike in popularity), what could serve as his replacement?
True to form, the Berries chimed in with some absolutely pitch-perfect suggestions for rarer replacements.
A few – like Apollo, Odin, Orion and Wilder – are already hitting the mainstream in their own right. But many are still sailing under the radar for now, at least in the general population.
We’ve picked out 22 of our favorite candidates, and why we think they’re so perfect, below. Fellow Atlas admirers, enjoy!
Best Rare Alternatives to Atlas 🌎
Altair – cool and crisp celestial choice
Aries – soft yet strong, with a powerful mythical namesake
Arrow – fresh word name with imagery of speed and purpose
Caspian – perfect for lovers of travel and literature
Cato – weighty and ancient with an on-trend sound
Cedar – simple, strong, streamlined nature name
Cosmo – back on the right side of the quirky/kooky divide
Emrys – sweet legendary name with that cool S ending
Evander – steeped in history with modern energy
Everest – connotations of greatness and achievement
Evren – stylish and underused Turkish mythology name
Magnus – just the right amount of pomp and gravitas
Mars – simple and impactful mythical choice
Onyx – eye-catching unisex nature name
Osiris – comes with excellent nickname potential in Ozzy or Cy/Si
Oslo – globetrotting geographical choice with a vowel-rich sound
Rhodes – preppy and scholarly with ancient roots
Rune – evocative option that packs a punch
Stellan – smart and steely Scandi-chic name
Valor – modern virtue with a sleek, dynamic sound
Viggo – edgy Viking-esque choice popular in Scandinavia
Zephyr – sharp yet bohemian Greek god name
More Deep Dives into the Data 🏊
On the blog this week, we’ve been zeroing in on some interesting aspects of the new US baby names data.
Lost Names Back on the Charts
These unique names had disappeared from the US extended list completely… until 2021’s adventurous parents decided to revive them!
Some, like Evadne and Isola, Amato and Isander, feel so on trend right now that it’s hard to believe they’re not already more popular. Others, like Aerowyn, Morpheus and Samurai, pack more of an unconventional punch.
Spanish Names Trending in the US
Popular names with Spanish-speaking parents in the US, or those of Hispanic and Latin American heritage, follow their own specific trends.
From Evaluna to Dario to Nairobi, discover some of the biggest hits in terms of sound, style and inspiration revealed by the latest baby names data.
Top Unisex Names 2021
There’s a new #1 unisex name in the US! Logan has tipped just far enough into unisex territory (which we define as at least 10% usage for the minority gender) to overtake Avery as the most popular unisex baby name.
Other top gender-neutral picks we love include sleek, stylish choices like River, Eden, Shiloh, Palmer and Wren.
Ashton Kutcher isn’t just a name; it’s a whole ✨vibe ✨
We couldn’t help but smile at this, and the additions suggested by our followers on social media. Angelina Jolie, Benedict Cumberbatch, Channing Tatum, Paris Hilton, Rupert Grint… Who else is just a perfect fit for their name?