Is THIS the Next Big Celebrity Baby Name?
We’re hearing a lot of buzz around this unique celebrity baby name… ✨
Can You Guess the Top Names of *All Time*?
I reckon I qualify as a bona fide name nerd… but some of the real most popular names of all time came as a surprise even to me!
Fans of our annual Playground Analysis will know the drill. Every year, we combine variant spellings to reveal the names you’ll actually hear most often on the playground right now. (Spoiler: it isn’t Liam and Olivia.)
But this is the first time we’ve done the Playground Analysis for all time, and the results are illuminating! Catherine, Teresa, Jacqueline, Alan and Brian are all among the names that leap up the list when compared to their official rankings.
Name of the Week: Cosmo
Congratulations are in order for Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost, who recently welcomed a baby boy named Cosmo! 💫
Reaction to the name reveal was a little… mixed (personal favorite comment: “At least it’s not a wifi password like Elon Musk did”). But we at Nameberry HQ are big fans!
Quirky Cosmo has a lot going for it: eccentric retro charm, a double nature connection, and that bright, bold O ending. It’s already rising in the UK and was recently used by Aussie vloggers Life with Beans for one of their twins (brother to the equally stylish Sylvie).
Cosmo is also one of the hottest names on Nameberry right now. Could this kooky choice be the next big celebrity baby name to watch? 👀
French Names Are Too Cool For School
Coincidentally, the sleek French form of Cosmo – Côme – makes our list of the coolest French baby names this year. It’s climbed from relative obscurity to #61 there over the past decade, but still retains a certain offbeat aristocratic charm.
From chic classics like Jules and Louise to romantic rarities like Capucine, Léandre and Marceau, the French really know how to name in style!
I already gave my youngest daughter a French name, Anouk, but I’m super tempted by so many of these. Apolline and Augustin, Malo and Manon! 😍
What would your chic French alter-ego name their children?
More Fun Stuff
⚧️ Explore the most evenly gender-balanced names in each state. We love how unique each state’s unisex naming style is!
☝️ Welcome back, Lois, Betty and Gene! We predict the 1930s baby names that will make a comeback first.
⛪ Where’s the weirdest place you’ve found baby name inspiration? Here’s a fun list of finds from one Berry’s local cemetery!