This week I’ve been thinking about the names we overlook. The ones we’ve heard a thousand times before, that don’t stand out… until something makes you see them afresh. You meet a toddler called Elizabeth. A friend names their baby Elliot. A blogger points out that Lynn, when you think about it, is actually a really great name.
They’re hiding in plain sight, and to the parents who choose them, they’re every bit as special as the sparkly names, the Elowens and Caspers of the world.
This week, my challenge to you (and myself) is to find a name you normally skim over, and take another look.
Name of the Week: Josh
Speaking of overlooked names! You probably know a ton of guys called Josh (or Joshua): it’s a soft-yet-strong classic that was particularly big in the 1990s. It rarely stands out… until hundreds of people named Josh fight with pool noodles on a field in Nebraska.
Question of the Week: Unusable Combos
Teddy Bear, Orson Welles, True Story… which names would sound great together, if only they didn’t already mean something? Some hilarious answers on Instagram.
Style of the Week: Edwardian Names
Do you love vintage darlings like Ernest and Edith, Harold and Hilda? You’d have felt right at home in the Edwardian era of the early 1900s.