A Gift That May Protect Your Family's Future Health
Being a mom is special. It involves being a nurturer, protector and teacher all in one. It means offering endless love and support. Most importantly, though, it means doing everything in your power to keep your children safe and healthy so they may live a long life.
One family is sharing their incredible story to shed light on how cord blood banking—the process of collecting and storing newborn stem cells—with Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®) may potentially help benefit the future health of your children and family.
Preserve your newborn stem cells at birth to have the opportunity to use them in the future by either your child or their full siblings, who have a 75% chance of being at least a partial match! By banking your baby's cord blood with CBR, the #1 choice of parents and #1 recommended family newborn stem cell preservation company by OB/GYNs,1 you can have peace of mind for the unexpected challenges of life.Â
Consider giving your family the gift of cord blood banking!
Blind survey, Egg Strategy, 10/19, funded by CBR.