I love Leonie and Royce together! Casper is my favorite from your boy options and I’ll add Viggo as an option. For other girl options, I really love the suggestions of Manon and Inez with Leonie and Royce.

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Love Viggo! What a great addition

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Yay! This is so cool that I got this! Thank you! Before I received this, I had been thinking of Imogene and Felix (or perhaps Crispin). Felix just seemed to go, and I love Imogen, but I love that Leonie, Royce, and Imogene all end in "e". Also they all seem to coordinate yet go in their own direction. You have helped me to imagine Casper with the names more as well.

I really love Emma's idea of Marlowe. Your idea Alcott has made Abbott come to mind and I really enjoy Leonie, Royce, and Abbott. I have been looking at a name more along the style of Royce for a fourth sister to Leonie, Royce, and Imogene, and I think any of these fit the bill. I also love Ingrid, Maren, Margo, Arden, Eliot, Otto, Franklin, Conrad, Fletcher (love!) and August (boy or girl)!

Clare, I love your ideas of Clement and Jago. They really fit well with Leonie and Royce (and maybe Imogene, Felix, or Crispin).

And Sophie, I really love Boaz. I think Leonie, Royce, Felix, and Boaz or Leonie, Royce, Crispin, and Boaz would be nice. Felix and Boaz sound like brothers and they both work so well with their sisters.

And thank you all for pointing out the Matilda/Maude issue. I can't believe I didn't notice.

Thank you so much and I can't wait to see the suggestions that the readers have to share.

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Lainey, I'm glad you like so many of our ideas!

Imogene does really seem to sing in this set. I too prefer the E ending version for you – it changes the vibe a lot for me, from buttoned-up British (Imogen) to Southern Belle (Imogene), plus it gives you the option of the cool androgynous nickname Gene. Leni, Royce and Gene feel very cohesive!

Abbott "Abby" could be a cool direction to go in too – I like how the unisex full name + girlier nickname would mirror rather than match Leonie/Leni. A fun twist on the theme.

I do love Felix! If it hadn't already been used in the family (downside of many cousins!) I would have strongly considered it myself. It's one of those rare names that is both stylised and distinctive, yet at the same time pairs well with many different kind of names. That makes it a great bridging option for you, which also brings something new and fun to the table. I definitely agree that Felix and Boaz would make great brothers due to those punchy final consonants!

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I feel that if you fully intend to you a nick name for one child then you should do this for each child. So with Leni and Royce I would suggest Davinder Florian ( Dav, Dawsey) and Meriton Neave( Merry, Toni,Rio).

Not sure what name I would you use for Royce maybe Rose

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My two girl names right now- Scarlett Danger and Lilia Honor- are fine with me, it as for boy names, I could never pick anything.

I have Peter, Michael, Jack, and Quinn.

What boy names do you think would work with those two?

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