If you’ve been under a celebrity baby name rock this week, I’ll break the news: Nara and Lucky Blue Smith — parents of Rumble Honey and Slim Easy — welcomed another baby on Monday. Her name: Whimsy Lou.
The Berries in the forums come out favorable on Whimsy Lou overall, while the response on TikTok was much more mixed. But a common reaction was that while unusual, Whimsy Lou is simply not as unique as the name of her older siblings:
Could have been much, much worse honestly. This is practically normal in comparison to her siblings.
I feel like Nara gave in to the bullying that she faced for her kids’ names. It's unique but definitely not as unique as the first two.
Whimsy’s name is certainly easier to like — her middle name is established and not a word name, and many of us are familiar with names close to Whimsy. But it’s actually just as uncommon as Rumble and Slim — each were given to fewer than five babies in the US at last count — making all of the Smith children virtually one-of-a-kind.
Inspired by Whimsy Lou, we asked you to share the most unique name you’ve ever seen in real life, and the answers are incredible. Who knew there were people out there with names like Themistocles, Sundance, and Secret Unique Mayo? (Erm, not so sure about that last one 😯)
Should We Tell Them…?
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