Coming up: the most-viewed baby names in cities worldwide for 2023 so far, plus other must-reads of the week.
But first, a message from our friends at CBR®!
July marks Cord Blood Awareness Month. Over 30 years ago, cord blood was discovered as a method to treat various blood disorders, cancers, immune disorders and metabolic disorders.1 We’ve turned to the trusted experts at Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®), the largest private newborn stem cell preservation company in the world,2 to shed light on the role cord blood banking can potentially play in protecting your family’s future health.
Discover top facts every parent-to-be should know and how CBR is marking this special celebration at!
Now, on with the names!
Quiz: guess the city from its quirky favorite names
This week, we dived into our site data to find this year’s most-searched baby names in ten anglophone cities worldwide.
As a bonus for you lovely newsletter readers, here are ten more distinctive local favorites in another city in one of the countries featured. Click below to reveal the answer (which also happens to be a place name that debuted on the US charts in 2022).
These are the top quirky favorites in which city?
And don’t miss…
A fascinating guest post on the top Black American baby names and trends 🖤
Wonderful names that are truly unique. As in, Liodor and Senalda unique 🦄
British YouTubers Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes are expecting a sister for Ottilie! Here are our Name Guru’s predictions — you heard it here first!
Mayani, H., Wagner, J.E. & Broxmeyer, H.E. Cord blood research, banking, and transplantation: achievements, challenges, and perspectives. Bone Marrow Transplant 55, 48–61 (2020).
CBR’s internal data on file.
I guessed Edinburgh!