It’s been a week of data deep dives on the Nameberry blog…
🛝 The 2022 Playground Analysis is here! This exclusive ranking groups variant spellings together to reveal the real most popular names on the playground.
🧒 We break down the top unisex names of the year, including those with the most births overall and those with the most even gender split.
🕰️ Take a trip down memory lane via the long-lost names that made a comeback to the charts this year. Artis, Elvi, Opaline, Romolo, Zenora!
🌻 And check out the hottest trends in Spanish and Latin American baby names in the US today, now really making their mark on the national namescape.
Phew! After all that number-crunching, I think it’s time for some light relief (with a side order of more namenerdery, of course).
So, here’s your challenge!
Each of the names below has a mystery twin, which was used for exactly the same number of babies in 2022. How many can you guess?
To make things more interesting, each pair of name twins has a separate special connection which should help to guide you towards the answer.
NB: several of these are unisex names, but the gender specified is the one for which the number of births matched up.
Happy sleuthing! 🕵️
Name twin? Lennon (F)
Number of births? 1309
Gender? F
The surname of music legend John Lennon is now, somewhat surprisingly, given to three times as many girls as boys in the US each year. But the gender split for its twin – also the surname of rock and roll royalty – is even more marked: over 90% of recipients are now female, even though it first entered the charts for boys.
Name twin? Paris (F)
Number of births? 642
Gender? M
Paris’ name twin belongs to another capital – albeit of a different kind. Like its geographical namesake, this name is on a steep upward slope in the US. It reentered the charts for boys in 2015 and really started to soar from 2017, when it first featured in a popular Spanish-language Netflix drama.
Name twin? Mae
Number of births? 612
Gender? M
Vintage nickname Mae is the shortest member of a fashionable gaggle of girl names all containing that sweet “May” syllable. Its name twin also takes a super-stylish sound – for boys this time – and packages it in the shortest way possible. Spell it another way, and it’s a recent entry to the boys’ Top 100.
Name twin? Ledger
Number of births? 478
Gender? M
Although it fits with the trend of occupational surnames, Ledger is still strongly associated with late actor Heath. And its twin is equally inseparable from its famous acting namesake. This name looks like a neo-invention, with its trendy initial consonant and rare vowel ending, but it’s actually a cool Hawaiian nature name.
Name twin? Emerald
Number of births? 372
Gender? M
Emerald’s name twin shares its appealing nature connection and deep green shade. The surname spelling of this name – with an extra letter – is currently about twice as popular as the more whittled-down version, but we think the balance will shift as parents turn away from potentially problematic associations.
Name twin? Paulina
Number of births? 355
Gender? F
Now an outdated choice in Spain, Paulina was nevertheless relatively popular there a century ago – as was its mystery twin. Also a feminized form of a male name, this choice is a retro rising star in the US, where it’s associated with a feisty children’s book heroine.
Name twin? Robin (F)
Number of births? 321
Gender? M
Originally a medieval diminutive of Robert, this chirpy choice is now usually thought of as a nature name. Its twin also has Old English origins, and feels like a natural woodland companion for Robin – although nineties and noughties kids might associate it first with a down-to-earth anime hero.
Name twin? August (F)
Number of births? 319
Gender? F
Meaning “great, venerable”, August and its variants were mainstays of the British monarchy in Victorian times, as well as in other European noble families. Its twin is another exalted adjective-turned-name, which despite its majestic meaning has a much more rugged image in the US.
Name twin? Solana
Number of births? 226
Gender? M
Golden and glittering, Solana is a sunny choice that ranks much higher on Nameberry than in real life… for now. We suspect it will shine brighter in the years ahead, just like its mystery twin. In fact, this lovely Spanish and Italian name has a female equivalent that is already enjoying its moment in the sun.
Name twin? Billy (M)
Number of births? 215
Gender? M
Most young Williams in the US now go by Liam or Will, or don’t shorten it at all, but Billy is a cute retro option that’s relatively popular as a standalone in the UK. Its skater-boy twin is even more popular there – just inside the Top 100 at the last count. It would also work as a nickname for one of the top girl names in the US.
Name twin? Alba
Number of births? 195
Gender? F
As well as being a popular Spanish name meaning “white”, Alba is also the Scottish Gaelic word for Scotland, from where its twin also hails. A popular surname there, it belonged historically to one of the largest and most powerful Highland clans – apparently known for their uneven smiles! Recently, it has been one of the most gender-neutral baby names in the US.
Name twin? Susanna
Number of births? 156
Gender? F
Underused classic Susanna boasts two lovely floral meanings – “lily” or “rose”, depending on whether you’re using ancient or modern Hebrew – and was chosen by none other than Shakespeare for his eldest daughter. Its twin is also a Shakespearean leading lady with two different nature-related meanings.
Name twin? Thorin
Number of births? 153
Gender? F
Only one letter separates epic Thorin – which appears in Old Norse lore and Tolkien’s legendarium – from the equally cool but more down-to-earth Torin. Its twin is also an edgy legendary name with a much more grounded soundalike. But in this age of daring naming, this bold choice is riding high!
Name twin? Rainey (F)
Number of births? 90
Gender? F
One for the Spanish speakers! This refreshing nature name has a pretty, conventional sound but a striking look – it’s one of just a dozen or so options on the whole extended list (thats almost 32k names!) to start with a duplicate consonant.
Name twin? Prayer (F)
Number of births? 9
Gender? F
Prayer makes absolute sense as a successor to the likes of Saint and Psalm – in fact, we’re amazed it’s not more popular! Its twin is another Christian word name with a lilting, lyrical sound, complete with glorious contemporary nickname potential and a tie to the late great Leonard Cohen.
(Related podcast recommendation – I promise there’s a name connection!)
How many did you guess? Share your score and any feedback below!